Hello, I’m Lena, welcome to my food blog!
Cooking and baking is my biggest passion and I’ve done it since I was a little girl. I frequented a hotel & catering school to improve my skills and to learn new ways of cooking. I love to create new recipes and to prepare and photograph them in a beautiful way.

My story
After a lot of researches and considerations I decided to quit eating animal products. After this decision I feel a lot better and fitter in my daily routine and there is no situation, where I am regretting it.
But no fear if youˋre not vegan, you will find a lot of inspiration for your home cooked dishes anyways – there are many great and delicious sources of plantbased protein!
In my recipes almost all the ingredients are unprocessed seasonal foods, because this is an important aspect for a healthy lifestyle for me. Of course you can also eat a dessert or a piece of cake sometimes, in my opinion it’s all about the balance and a varied alimentation.
In addition, I always try to use as less disposable plastic and waste as possible, because I think that everyone can do something for our world and our enviroment, even if it is just a small step.
My goal
I am a passionate cook and baker and I love to share my easy – but special – recipes on this blog. I want to show you, that cooking can be funny and uncomplicated. And I assure you, that every time you eat your selfcooked dish, it’s a better feeling than eating in a restaurant.
If you have some questions or you made my recipes and you want to show them to me, I would be very happy if you contact me on my social media channels or via e-mail.
Thanks for visiting my blog and I hope you’ll like it!
All the best,